Dustin Hokama
Windward Lead Pastor

Duke is finding real joy in the journey of knowing God. He’s understanding more each season about what it means to be a child of God, a husband who leads, a father who loves, and a shepherd who cares for God’s flock. He loves his awesome wife, Eden, and their three young children. And in a whirlwind full of ministry, lego building, home repair, and hospitality, he and Eden are learning what it means to “be busy but never hurried.” He’s strengthened by discipleship from his dad and other seasoned pastors who model Jesus and challenge him to step into the fullness of his calling.
Duke serves as the Windward Campus Pastor. As a “Kaneohe boy,” he’s passionate about seeing people all over the island find true happiness as they come to treasure Jesus Christ. He knows that God wants to use One Love in Kailua to make a difference in the Windward community through the spread of the gospel. His role at Windward is to equip and support the saints there for joy-filled ministry in their homes, neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces. He’s grateful for the family/friends God has around him and enjoys spending time in the water, working with his hands, and reading a good book.