One Love’s children’s ministry is Jesus Kids. It’s in the name. We are about Jesus and our kids. It’s that simple.
Jesus Kids is more than just a place; it’s a people! We are made up of the children and families who attend our church community, AND a group of committed teachers who love Jesus and children.
At Jesus Kids, children engage with God to experience Jesus’s love for them through music, prayer, and the Word. Parents are welcome to check-in their children and drop them off in their classrooms fifteen minutes before each Celebration. While parents are in the Celebration, we offer children the opportunity to engage in corporate worship, fellowship, and learning. Beyond our weekend Celebrations, we offer various events throughout the year to build unity and discipleship within our ministry.
We believe that all it takes is a single encounter with Jesus to change a life, so at Jesus Kids, our desire is for every child to experience Jesus every time they attend.
Our vision is for unity and discipleship to permeate our ministry. Our heart is for the body of Christ to be united on every level from the smallest to largest; in other words, we want unity between our leaders, children, and families. Together through discipleship, we grow in faith, love, righteousness, and knowledge of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Our mission is for every child to experience Jesus.
We believe that all it takes is a single encounter with Jesus to change a life, so at Jesus Kids, our desire is for every child to experience Jesus every time they attend. We believe parents are the primary faith-influencers to their children and we want to support them by sharing the very best news with their children, that is the Gospel! We want to guide children to experience for themselves the unconditional love and perfect goodness of God, so that they may “taste and see” firsthand and establish a spiritual foundation for their faith. Working together, we disciple our children to live out their faith at home, school, church, and in their community!
Our teachers are all vetted with background and reference checks and equipped with curriculum and behavior training to serve, teach, and lead our children!
Special Needs Ministry
Jesus Kids believes all children are special; we believe in God’s value for every human life and that Jesus desires a personal relationship with every person, regardless of their abilities.
We integrate our special needs children into every class partnering them one-on-one with a teacher to support them throughout the celebration! Our heart for this ministry is to partner with families to achieve our mission for every child to experience Jesus. In order to best serve and accommodate our special needs children and families, please email us for more information at JesusKids@onelove.org.
Jesus Kids Celebration Times
Children’s Ministry is available during the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. celebrations for all age groups at the Kaka’ako campus. For the Windward campus, children will worship with their families and then be released to class at the 10 a.m. celebration only. For any Special Needs ministry, please email us at JesusKids@onelove.org for more information.
Kaka’ako Campus
Newborn — 5th Grade and Special Needs
Windward Campus
Newborn — 5th Grade
Say 'Yes!' to the next generation

Jesus Kids is always looking for teachers and helpers with a heart to pour into our kids. If you would like to help, please fill out our online application form.