Psalms 11

To be at peace in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, a christian only needs to be reminded that God's moral order and kingdom are not of this world, and cannot be overthrown! Sermon Notes

Psalms 10

You're going to have a tough time if your question to God is always "Why"? We need to learn to change that too, "What God are you teaching me? What am I to see or learn?" Sermon Notes

Pslams 9

Theology lived out during affliction expresses itself in praise, proclamation, prediction, and petition. Sermon Notes

Psalm 8

David is amazed that mortal humanity should have such a responsibility. He is realizing and pondering how he is such an insignificant creature in the universe and yet God cares for him immensely! Sermon Notes

Psalms 7

If you start to defend yourself, you'll never stop. It will suck all your time and energy and it will distract you from doing anything meaningful for God. Sermon Notes

Psalms 6

You have faith, you know God is in control. But God will deliver you in the end doesn't spare you from the languishing of the current season you're in. The christian life is not pain, mistake, or broken proof. Sermon Notes