World Mission Outreach

World Mission Outreach exists to Proclaim the Gospel, Equip the Next Generation, and Mobilize the Church.
PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL – In dependence upon God, we want to win as many people as possible to Jesus Christ throughout the world in our generation, proclaiming His Good News by all available means to all people who have yet to respond to the Gospel, To the Jew first, and also to the Gentile based on Romans 1:16.
EQUIP THE NEXT GENERATION – In dependence upon God, we want to hold high the banner of biblical evangelism, working in teams that are multi-cultural and multi-generational. Raising up a new generation of godly leaders and influencing Christianity worldwide.
MOBILIZE THE CHURCH – In dependence upon God, we want to emphasize with the Church the principles of victorious Christian living (Galatians 2:20), so as to stimulate, revive, train, and mobilize the Church to continuous, effective evangelism, follow-up, and Church growth. In the process of preaching the Gospel to all people, there is also a unique approach we do through the local churches to reach Jewish people around the world in light of Romans 11:30-31.