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State Infante


State was born and raised in Honolulu.  He has been married to his wife, Nancy, for over thirty years.  They have grown sons, Jarrod and Zachary. State enjoys diving for tako and working in his yard in his spare time. He serves with the Levites and attends Da Jesus Guys regularly.  His go to bible verse is James 1:9.
“This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger”

2025 Windward Easter


Good Friday Service April 18

6:00AM SonRise Celebration April 20
9AM Celebration April 20
Pupus & Pastries - Any time drop off at Fellowship hall
Provide pastries or light snacks (vegi-platter, spam musabi ok too) for Easter Sunday field fellowship. Please note in comment field what item or category of item you plan to bring. Drop off will be in the Fellowship Hall.