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“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:13


Our Men’s Ministry, a.k.a. ‘Da Jesus Guys’, is a weekly meeting for all of the men of One Love! Every Tuesday at 7 p.m. we offer music, a warm welcome to first visitors, our weekly testimonies, powerful teaching, and a time to break into small groups for discussion and prayer.

On the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., our ministry hosts ‘Da Grind’! We all bring some food to share, potluck style, and we talk story. This is usually our biggest crowd, and it’s always a blessed time together. Come and join us! All men, all ages, all Jesus!

Our Vision:

 We are here to encourage and equip men to live out their new life in Jesus. Every Christian man has a glorious destiny! It’s wonderful when brothers in Christ get together. We hope the fresh insight and loving fellowship that each man receives in these meetings will bless every area of his life. If God’s own adopted sons are living abundantly, then our families, friends, homes, communities, and workplaces will also benefit greatly!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. — 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)

Jesus Guys Essentials:

1. We accept Jesus’ invitation to follow Him and invite others to come with us

2. We fulfill His commission to make disciples. We focus on being personally discipled to maturity and also regularly disciple others just as we were taught.

3. We call each man to know and walk in their new and true identity in Jesus.
• We are LOVED powerfully and without condition.
• We are now HOLY sons of God, to be filled with the Holy Spirit

Weekly meeting
Kaka’ako Campus

 For all of the men of One Love, every Tuesday at 7 p.m.

Da Grind Potluck

 Our ministry hosts’ Da Grind’ on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at our Kaka’ako Campus! We all bring some food to share potluck style, and we talk story.

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Men Ministry

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Men Ministry


2025 Windward Easter


Good Friday Service April 18

6:00AM SonRise Celebration April 20
9AM Celebration April 20
Pupus & Pastries - Any time drop off at Fellowship hall
Provide pastries or light snacks (vegi-platter, spam musabi ok too) for Easter Sunday field fellowship. Please note in comment field what item or category of item you plan to bring. Drop off will be in the Fellowship Hall.