Compassion International

Jesus Cares About Children. So Do We.
We are a Christian charity dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Through sponsorships and donations, we empower local churches to provide individualized and holistic care to children in poverty so they are free to learn, grow, play and dream.
Well over 355 million children are trapped in poverty. We’re working to change that.
Poverty damages children’s growth, learning and development, preventing them from reaching their God-given potential. Successfully intervening for them requires holistic care, which is why our child development model addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of each child. Help us reduce the number of children living in extreme poverty by sponsoring a child.
Two primary ways you can partner with us
Sponsor A Child
By sponsoring a child, you give them the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and have a thriving future. As you offer encouragement and support in Jesus’ name, your love will ignite a lifetime of hope.
Donate to a Cause
Children in poverty are at extreme risk of malnutrition, sickness and exploitation. But you can show them the love of Jesus by offering them food, medical care and protection.