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Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered and Bible-based 12-Step Recovery Program. The purpose is to focus on God’s healing power through fellowship with others. By working the 12 steps and the 8 principles, small groups open up, share experiences, and explore hope. In this way, we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our problems.

Celebrate Recovery is:

• A 12-step discipleship program based on Jesus’ teachings

• Focused on the participant taking personal responsibility

• Confidential: a safe environment

• Open to men and women 18 and over

• For the churched and the unchurched

• About growth and healing in small groups


This ministry is for people with all types of problems and addictions, which are unhealed, unmet, or unresolved. This program is for anyone dealing with hurts, hang-ups, or habits. These may include (but are not limited to): abuse, overeating, overspending, overworking, sexual time addiction, depression, divorce, codependency, drug/alcohol addiction, grief, anger, and others too numerous to mention.

Celebrate Recovery is a discipleship program for anyone who wants real and lasting transformation.


By linking its four main components: fellowship, bible study, worship/teaching, and support, you will discover a defense against sin and experience a fresh start from any difficulty which may be preventing you from experiencing the life God intended for you.

It is only through the saving grace of God that healing will begin and a new direction for your life will emerge. Ultimately becoming free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors brings peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly a stronger personal relationship with God and others.


As a member of Celebrate Recovery, you are invited to attend as often as you would like and whichever portions of the program you choose (however there is proof that the more involved individuals are, the more benefit they receive), support your fellow members, become more accountable and maintain strict confidentially.


Christians, who understand the challenges you’re facing, have taken the time to be trained in the 12-step program, and care enough to want to help.


OneLove Kaka’ako

670 Auahi St. A-5, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813, United States
808 349-2608
Contact: Darryl Keane
Meeting Time: Wednesday 6:00 pm with a BBQ and Testimony the 1st Wednesday of every month.

One Love Windward

1276 Kailua Rd, Kailua, Hawaii 96734 United States
Contact: Darryl Keane
Meeting Time: Monday 6:30 PM

Take the first step today. Fill out the form below to get started!

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery

Contact us for details regarding Celebrate Recovery for the Windward and Kaka'ako campus.

What Campus are you interested in attending?

2025 Windward Easter


Good Friday Service April 18

6:00AM SonRise Celebration April 20
9AM Celebration April 20
Pupus & Pastries - Any time drop off at Fellowship hall
Provide pastries or light snacks (vegi-platter, spam musabi ok too) for Easter Sunday field fellowship. Please note in comment field what item or category of item you plan to bring. Drop off will be in the Fellowship Hall.