Revelation 5:1-7 – Waxer Tipton (One Love Ministries)

“The Greatest Real Estate Deal in History”
John sees God sitting on His throne in heaven holding a scroll with seven seals (the title deed to the earth), which only Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, the Root of David, the Lamb of God is worthy to open. Jesus, our kinsman redeemer & heir of creation, is about to redeem the earth back from Satan!

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Revelation 2-3 – Summary – Waxer Tipton (One Love Ministries)

Some of the “Signs of Life” Jesus looks for in a church (and us as His body) are 1. responsiveness to the Spirit of God 2. exciting, expressive & reverential worship 3. emphasis on prayer 4. spiritually anointed leaders 5. atmosphere of excitement & expectation 6. not afraid 7. growing 8. passion for God, His Word & is doctrinally sound 9. generous 10. members who see themselves as ministers. Let’s check our pulse!

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Revelation 3:14-22 – Waxer Tipton (One Love Ministries)

The Church of Laodicea – the only church that Jesus had no word of commendation for. He rebuked them for being “lukewarm” and not taking God seriously. They were self-righteous and deceived. But the reason Jesus was so hard on them was because the loved them and wanted them to open their hearts and repent. What are our priorities? Are we on fire?

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